For this page, we are using a Origami Brewer. It is what we use in our cafes. There are plenty of other brands of drippers, so you will need to adjust the grind and dose slightly based on your particular brewer.


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1) Bloom

Weigh 25g of coffee and grind on the medium fine, about the coarseness of table salt.

2) filter

Fold edges of filter and place in dripper. Place dripper on mug or decanter. Rinse with hot water to wash away the filter’s papery taste and preheat brewer and vessel.  Once warmed, dump the water.

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3) Bloom

Add ground coffee and level; tare scale, and put the dripper and decanter (or mug) on the scale. Using fresh hot water, just off the boil (205 degrees), pour 50-60g water onto the grounds. Start a timer as your start your pour. This stage is called the bloom and you will see the gasses bubble up in the grinds and form a bloom. Let it Bloom for about 30 seconds.

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4) Brew

Using a spiraling pattern and a steady stream of water, pour to 400g. You may need to pause your pouring to add all the water. Total brew time should be between 3:00 and 3:45 minutes.

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5) Enjoy

Thank the coffee gods and enjoy, knowing you are drinking an ethically traded, fresh roasted coffee that is making our world a better place! Cheers!