Perfect Holiday Gift - Mmmmm Peppermint...

Give The Gift of Local for The Holiday

What is better than receiving the perfect gift for the holiday?  Giving the perfect gift! Our Peppermint Vanilla Bean Sugar, French Press, and Coffee Gift Pack is not only delicious and unique, but is produced locally and is guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of whoever receives it. 

Order Here

We have partnered our coffee perfectly with Peppermint Vanilla Bean Sugar from the Savory Spice Shop.  Add a little holiday to your cup! 

Here is what they say...

"Like our other sugars, we make our peppermint vanilla bean sugar in-house. After infusing granulated white sugar with pure vanilla extract and vanilla beans, we add pure peppermint extract to the vanilla bean sugar and allow it to dry." -Savory Spice Shop

The other perk... This is your chance to give a friend, family member, colleague, boss, employee, mailman, etc. the opportunity to enjoy one of the best coffee brewing methods around, the French Press.  What I like about the French Press most is that it turns your cup into an experience.  There is nothing like plunging right before your fill your cup. 

Order Here

Sweet, Creamy Caramel, Milk Chocolate from 4,101 Feet

Brazil “Samambaia”

We are really excited to offer our newest bean, with creamy, caramel, and chocolate notes taking you through each sip.  If you are a fan of Medium roast, you must grab a bag of the Brazil.

Want to know a little about where it comes from? It starts on a small farm of 74 acres located in a mountainous region called Quatis where farmer Jose Pereira and his family farm and live. This bean and this process are very unique, the Catuai variety which is processed naturally and dried in the sun, just like our Natural Processed Ethiopian.

Jose believes this climate is the key to such a great bean, "Here, the breeze is always  present, and this is our secret; cherries are always dancing in mild temperatures and never exposed to the intense heat."   

You can welcome our newest offering here at

Natural Processed Ethiopian Beans are in...

To Our Ethiopian Coffee

This coffee has a very distinct note of strawberry that we have not offered before.  
This coffee comes to us from the Sidamo region of Southern Ethiopia.  It is fairly close to the part of Ethiopia believed to be the birthplace of coffee and these are heirloom varietals.  

No matter your preference of coffees, this is a coffee you want to try.  The Dry Process is what gives it the bright strawberry note. 

In the cup you can expect to find a bright coffee with a beautiful round note of strawberry. The finish is refreshing and the mouthfeel nice and silky. 

Buy yours now...


Natural Process (AKA Dry Process) - What is the big deal?

The natural process is the original manner in which coffee was processed. The cherries are dried with the beans inside, like drying a grape into a raisin. The beans are dried with all of their layers intact, including the coffee cherry and mucilage.

The fruit of the coffee plant, known as the cherry, is picked once it ripens on the branch. Mature coffee cherries can manifest themselves in red, yellow and orange pigmentation.  In some coffee regions, such as southern Ethiopia, coffee cherries are picked at the same point of maturation as washed and semi-washed/honey/pulped natural coffees and brought to dry on patios or raised drying beds.  Coffee beans are dried intact with all of their layers in this process including the coffee cherry and mucilage.  The coffee cherry and mucilage are composed of sugars and alcohols, which play a role in the sweetness, acidity and overall flavor profile of the coffee.  The fruit is a closed environment, which encourages natural fermentation (and sometimes rot) – helping create the final flavor profile.  The fruit dries onto the parchment that surrounds the seeds. The coffee beans are left to rest inside the cherry pods before being peeled (hulled) and prepared for shipment. At this stage the cherry is the texture of fruit leather. The result is the dense heavy body and exotic, wild berry flavors that have become synonymous with natural processed coffees.  However, the cup profiles of natural processed coffees can be inconsistent, so an intense analysis on the cupping table and in the lab is integral during the selection process.

The word pasa refers to another technique to create natural processed coffee. In this method, the farmer leaves the coffee cherry to ripen and then dry on the branch, rather than picking and then drying the cherry on raised beds.

Naturally processed coffees typically have heavier mouthfeel, lower acidity levels and intense, exotic flavor profiles.



Who Do We Help?

Greg and Helms Jarrell have lived in Enderly Park since 2005.  They are leaders in the Hyaets Community, a neighborhood ministry whose main goal is to be "good neighbors" to our neighbors.  These fine folks, along with perhaps a hundred volunteers throughout the year, meet many needs of the people of our community.  In particular, the Hyaets Community takes a special interest in pouring into the youth.  They know that making a change in children's lives will have great impact on not only their lives and the lives of their parents, but for generations to come.   

How to be a "Good Neighbor" 

-Community Meals on the first and third Fridays (All are invited, even YOU) 

-Weekly Youth Groups in the Hyaets Clubhouse

-Enderly Park Youth Retreats

-Freedom School over the summer (to educate kids and keep them occupied) 

-Pouring into Ashley Park School and other neighborhood schools (Tutoring, mentoring, teacher appreciation)

-Enderly Park Adult Empowerment Team, helping with food scarcity in Enderly Park


Feel good knowing that with every purchase of Enderly Coffee, a portion is given directly back to our neighbors through the Hyaets Community. 

Great Coffee helping Great People to do Great Things...
Sounds Great to me!


Enderly Coffee Co. is Born...

We love coffee and we love West Charlotte.  That is where our story begins.  My wife and I moved to Enderly Park in 2007, understanding the challenges and benefits of moving to an area such as this.  We quickly fell in love with our neighborhood and neighbors, confirming that we made the right choice.  

We soon found out about a wonderful ministry that was located 2 blocks from home, where a few couples choose to live here in Enderly Park ministering to their neighbors. Check them out at  They truly do amazing things, focusing on personal development, the youth, and educational support.

My wife and I are both teachers full time in CMS.  We go to Watershed Church.  We met, dated, and fell in love over coffee.  Naturally, we have dreamed of owning a community focused coffee shop/center right here in Enderly Park.  Being teachers, money is not abundant and I soon realized that the financial challenges would be great and the risk of starting a coffee shop would far outweigh the short term reward.

This is around the time I began roasting coffee.  It began as a hobby of sort, learning as I went, and grew quickly into a passion.  My friends and family loved the coffee.  I felt led to startup a company that joins my coffee passion and my heart for my neighbors, and there Enderly Coffee was born.  We buy our coffee Direct-Trade (which is better than Fair-Trade in many people’s opinion) from a farmer in Guatemala who we have connected with through our church’s international missions. 

I hope you are able to support what we are doing here in Charlotte.  I would ask for you to share our story with friends and family as you feel inclined.  Buy some coffee and share it with some friends.  We know that we are making a difference and invite all who are interested into this journey.  Once again, thanks for your interest and support. 

Tony & Becky


Credit Arising Images and Proof I did have hair

Credit Arising Images and Proof I did have hair

Hot Summer: Iced Coffee

Meet our fellow-Michigan friend, Jill, For those who don't know her, she is a pretty cool person.  She's an artist, an elementary school art teacher, a Spartan, a tea lover (but appreciates coffee), a biker (currently riding her bike like across the country), she is from Traverse City, MI (most beautiful city in America), and she's the kindest person you'll ever meet. You can check out her blog at

Sorry about the winter picture in the post about the summer, the editors didn't catch that...

Last summer Jill shared how she used our beans to cool down in the summer time. Now that our summer weather is finally here in Charlotte, I wanted to share her mix and let you try it for yourself.

Here it is:

Iced Coffee, makes about 2-3 servings


1 quarts water to 2 ounces ground coffee

Pinches of any combination of spices (Jill recommends nutmeg & cinnamon).

Milks and sweeteners as you like

How to: 

In a large Mason Jar combine the water (cool or lukewarm), spices, and ground coffee. 

Give the mixture a stir and let it sit for about 8 hours.

After it's set, strain the coffee through cheesecloth.

Fill a glass with ice and pour in your chilled iced coffee.

Cream and sugar it to taste...  Drink

Try it and let us know what you think.  If you try something different let us know.  Post photos, comments, etc. to our Twitter @enderlycoffeeco or on our Facebook.

Enjoy and stay cool... Oh Yeah, and Love Your Beans!!!

Why Enderly Coffee? It Does More Than Taste Good...

Every purchase, every sip of Enderly Coffee does more than just taste good.  Every bean is our attempt at a solution to a problem. Every bean sold is our attempt to help our farmers to make a difference in their own community.  We are not Fair Trade, we are DIRECT TRADE.  Through our personal relationship with our farmer we are able to DIRECTLY change these statistics.


Enderly Coffee is empowering our farmer to serve their community, helping families get out of poverty, helping families to get clothes, medical supplies, schooling, basic necessities for life, etc.  Not only are we able to help our farmer and their community, but we are helping YOU enjoy a unique and amazing cup of coffee that is straight from the farm.

Be a part of the movement!

Love Your Beans!

Enderly Coffee Co is more than coffee.  Enderly Coffee Co is about justice and restoration...  To families and kids in our neighborhood, Enderly Park, right here in Charlotte...  To a community and families in Guatemala where we buy our beans directly from our farmers...  The delicious beans are just a plus!

Local. Missional. Delicious

Love Your Beans!  We do...
