Partner Spotlight: Green with Envy - #PlazaMidwood Gift Stop

At Enderly Coffee we get to work with businesses all across Charlotte. We think our partners are great, so it feels selfish not to introduce them to you, too! Our very first Partner Spotlight is on Green With Envy, a Plaza Midwood boutique where local is the name of the game and “necessary luxuries” aren’t hard to find. 

If you’ve ever driven down Central Avenue, you’ve probably noticed Green With Envy.

Located in the Shoppes at Eleven-Eleven (1111 Central Ave., Suite #200), Green With Envy opened its doors to the Plaza Midwood neighborhood in 2003. Co-Owner Tina Nardoci said she knew from the beginning that the site would be a great fit for the business. 

“It was just an old burned out building at the time, but it was fabulous,” she remarked. “You could see the potential!”

In the 12 years since, Green With Envy, which Nardoci owns alongside her sister, Barbara, has become a neighborhood staple. Today Nardoci’s knack for spotting potential still comes in handy: she helps curate the boutique’s unique selection of merchandise.

Green With Envy carries a wide array of products, from clothing and accessories to home goods and greeting cards. Don’t miss the section for kids in the back! Throughout the store there is an unmistakable Queen City flair - green tags signify which products were created locally.

Thanks for supporting Enderly Coffee, Green With Envy. We’re honored to be a part of the shop!

Get to know Green With Envy Co-Owner Tina Nardoci:

What motivates you to run this business?

It’s the art of it! [Running this business] replaced what I was doing before, which was sculpture. Figuring out where to put stuff, it’s fun. This store is art!

(Nardoci built all of the store’s product displays herself, and the sculptures near the front door of the shop are her work. We laughed about how important it is to lay out merchandise in an organized and aesthetically pleasing way. Her words: “If you can’t see what’s available, you can’t buy it!”)



If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice before starting Green With Envy, what would it be?

Take a class! Instead of learning everything the hard way, take a class in it. There is so much to learn, and it’s so much easier when you’ve got somebody who can tell you what to do.


What do you love most about Charlotte?

 I love the way it grows. In the mid-80’s Charlotte was a very gray place. Now it’s very colorful – the buildings, everything. It just exploded. It turned into a great place to live!


If you were given $1,000,000 today, what would you do with it?

 Well, I don’t need a million dollars. You can’t take a million dollars and not help people with it. I’d give it to Hospice and WFAE.


How do you take your coffee?

With cream and sugar, and I like my cream a little shaken. I use cream from a carton, but if you shake it up really hard it’s like whipping it a little bit!


Written By: Ashley Sullivan