Written by: Tony Santoro
Some people just stand out. Wether innate or trained, they make people’s lives better just through encountering them. You know them, right? Are you one of them? Owning the business with 4 kids has tipped me more towards the grumpy/hermit side of life, I admit it, but those people exist in our day to day and I believe they keep me going and continually allow me to have hope. #PeopleFirstCoffeeAlways
Those words are on the front of our building, but we may need to add #ChocolateAlways.
April 9-April 14: James, my 7 year old daughter, and I took a trip to Antigua, Guatemala. In highlighting this trip, we can not help but highlight one of our favorite people, whom we found at the Choco Museo, named Francisco.
“Did you know that one of the ingredients in the traditional Mayan Chocolate was human blood?”
— Francisco
Francisco’s greeting, energy, and engagement was magnetic. The way he was able to get down to the kid’s level for the entire 45 minute chocolate experience, almost entirely ignoring the adults I might add, was marvelous. He left every one of us glad we came, with a larger understand of the history and production of chocolate, and honestly feeling better about the world we live in.
The experience that Francisco created in their shop can be found in many retail establishments. Whether the local Chic-Fil-A, your local bank, the grocery store, car dealership, etc. You know when you receive it AND you know when you do not receive it. Our hope is that you experience this spirit every time you walk into our coffee shop. We love when you choose to visit and our goal is to leave you happier than when you arrived. And if you ever make it to Antigua, look for Francisco.