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If a high school student told you he left gang life behind because of the influence of an elementary school girl, would you believe him?

That’s Ethan and Jennifer’s story… and a version of MANY of the stories about the bonds that are forged between older and younger students at UrbanPromise Charlotte! The mission of UrbanPromise is to provide Charlotte's children and youth with the spiritual, academic, and social development necessary to become Christian leaders determined to restore their communities. The organization employs 85 high schoolers (who they call StreetLeaders) to serve as mentors, counselors, teachers, and leaders for the 250 younger students in their out-of-school-time and summer programs taking place in three of Charlotte’s most vulnerable neighborhoods.

At UrbanPromise Charlotte, StreetLeaders are the true heroes of the organization!

UrbanPromise provides StreetLeaders with extensive job training, tutoring, college preparation, and access to counseling and mentoring to help them succeed in and outside of the program. Over the last 4 years, 100% of StreetLeaders have graduated high school on-time and received college acceptance! Most are the first in their families to continue their education. It’s hard to quantify the impact StreetLeaders can make in the lives of the children they serve.... and it's hard to quantify how much the StreetLeader experience transforms the teenagers themselves! We’ll let Ethan and Jennifer tell more of their transformative story themselves:

As a reminder, we have the custom Urban Promise Blend available for you in our shop and online. We are donating 100% of the proceeds of each bag back to Urban Promise, so it is a true win-win.

Thanks for helping UP look towards the next five years, and beyond! To learn more about the unique model of UrbanPromise and our vision for restoration in Charlotte, visit our website:

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